New York Collection

Diamond Flush Collection - 1 Energy
Heart Flush Collection - 5 Health
Heart Flush Collection - 5 Health
Sculptures Collection - 3 Defense
Poker Chips Collection - 2 Attack
Club Flush Collection - 3 Attack
Boxing Collection - 3 Attack
Cigars Collection - 2 Energy
Spade Flush Collection - 2 Stamina
Billiards Collection - 1 Stamina
Rings Collection - 4 Defense
Ties Collection - 6 Defense
Paintings Collection - 6 Energy
Cufflinks Collection - 10 Health
Barber Collection - 4 Energy
Great Race Horses Collection - 7 Energy
Daily Chance Collection -
+10% to Job loot drops
Money Laundering Collection - -3% to bank

Cuba Collection

Rum Drinks Collection - 8 Energy
Tropical Fruits Collection - 3 Stamina
Entertainers Collection - 10 Health
Tropical Fish Collection - 5 Attack
Beards Collection - 7 Defense

Moscow Collection

Prison Tattoos Collection - 6 Defense
Matryoshka Dolls Collection - 7 Energy
Russian Leaders Collection - 4 Attack
Vodka Drinks Collection - 4 Stamina
Soviet Memorabilia Collection - 10 Health
Fabergé Egg Collection - 8 Energy

Recomended Site : 2010 Most Popular Website
